Coop cat treats
I created a number of cat illustrations based on the (for me) usual set of limitations such ass restricted amount of colours, consistent line thickness and a fixed 15º rotation increment on any angle throughout the illustrations. Within these limitations I carefully looked at the balance between the character and quirkiness of the cats without making them overly cutsie.
In a second fase I applied these illustrations to a set of fictional packaging designs and promotional items to give an idea of the potential scope of the artwork. The selected typeface and the minimal designgrid used for these items was carefully selected and based on the design principals of the illustrations themselves. This ensures a cohesive and robust system that can easily be extended to a large number of different products such as canned or dry cat food, kitty litter toys, … Next to that the hole concept can be adapted to fit different species such as dogs, birds, rabbits, … as well.
CLIENT: Self initiated
CATEGORY: Illustration, Packaging Design, Graphic Design
Prints and other merchandise based on the illustrations I used in this project are available for purchase on Society6.